Vibe Targeted
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
Every Child Matters
How we are improving the lives of children and young people with SEND
INC (Knowsley)
Inclusive Needs Club (INC) is a youth group for young people aged 17-25 with special educational needs. Sessions take place on Wednesday from 5pm-7pm at Westvale Community Centre.
INC focuses specifically on developing skills for independence. This includes elements such as planning to go shopping, going shopping, cooking a meal, learning to iron, learning to sew, first aid and other aspects such as making a telephone call and what to do in an emergency. Alongside this it provides a safe environment in which young people can take part in a range of activities, explore interests, and have fun with peers away from home. We offer a wide programme of events including games, quizzes, crafts, and a chance to meet new friends and socialise.
INC (Halton)
Funded by Halton Council, Young People’s Grant.
INC is a youth group with sessions for young people aged 17-25 with special educational needs. Sessions take place on Friday from 5pm-7pm. Young people enter INC club via referral.
The INC youth group focuses specifically on developing skills for independence. This includes elements such as planning to go shopping, going shopping, cooking a meal, learning to iron, learning to sew, first aid and other aspects such as making a telephone call and what to do in an emergency. Alongside this it provides a safe environment in which young people can take part in a range of activities, explore interests, and have fun with peers away from home. We offer a wide programme of events including games, quizzes, crafts, and a chance to meet new friends and socialise.
Saturday Club (Halton, St Helens)
Vibe’s Saturday Club is a fortnightly session in both Widnes and Runcorn for young people aged between 12-18 years and have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and live within the Halton Borough. An activity and friendship group for young people in Halton. Attendance by referral only through the Halton Short Breaks Service for Children with Disabilities.
The delivery plan is flexible and adaptable to ensure the young person’s needs remain our priority. Working with partners and families we will ensure any EHCP or PBS Plan is included in the designing of options, to ensure any outcomes focus on these as well as providing social opportunities and a combination of stimulating activities that are safe, fun and provide opportunities to develop essential life skills.
Sessions can be adapted to meet the individual needs of the young person. The offer is structured to ensure that groups have equal access to opportunities, with activities simply adapted to accommodate young people’s individual needs.
St Helens Saturday Club is a fortnightly session aimed at young people 8-18 years and have Special Educational Needs
Interact (Halton)
Vibe's Interact programme is coming to Halton, referrals are now open, starting December 2023!
Interact Support Group, aimed at children and young people affected by parental or siblings substance use or/and mental health problems .
Sessions provide a safe environment in which young people can achieve respite from their home life and just be young people.
Are you a professional working with a young person who you would like to refer?
Vibe's team compassionately challenge negative behaviour offering support and advice whilst encouraging positive relationships"
Weekly sessions, programme runs for 12 weeks
Transport support available.
For young people aged 10-14 years
12 spaces available..