Impact of Youth Work

Vibe Youth Work Impact Summary


Vibe Youth Work Impact Summary ~~

Young people

Right now Vibe are providing 500 young people a week with youth work support

Over the last 12 months Vibe have engaged with over 7000 young people aged 8 - 25

over 7000 young people who accessed youth work services, over 80 were supported to access SEND provision

Partnership work

Vibe have delivered a number of programme in partnership this year some of our partners through cradle to career include Mako Create and Altru!


Vibe have brought together partner organisations at Vibe festival and spoken at events to share best practice, build partnerships and strong relationships

Vibe Programmes

Vibe have designed and deliver 15 targeted youth programmes alongside open access youth provision.


Vibe’s Training Team offer a variety of training experiences for any professionals working with children and young people. Whether it’s programme development or train the trainer courses around a specific issue, we design the courses and programmes using our RF4 approach to building relational competence.


Vibe have achieved funding at over £1.4 million this year to date

Vibe Outdoors

Almost 3000 young people participated in opportunities to experience, learn, and outdoor education activities at Vibe Outdoors